Same day appointments

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At Cannonvale Medical Centre we are a mixed billing clinic. Under 16, Concession & DVA card holders may be bulk billed at the doctor’s discretion.

Opening Hours

Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Saturday 1:00pm-5:00pm

Cant get into your GP?
Book in with Pocket Doctors

Allied Health Team

We have Allied Health Professionals working alongside our GPs. Making Cannonvale Medical Centre the one-stop shop for your health care needs.


What We Offer in Airlie Beach.

At Cannonvale Medical Centre we believe that health is your greatest wealth; looking after your physical and emotional wellbeing is the key to maintaining optimal health.

Mental Health

At Cannonvale Medical Centre we believe when it comes to mental health it’s all about starting a conversation.

Children’s Health

We’re great believers that healthy children are happy children.

Men’s Health

Just like anything in life, the male body needs a level of attention and maintenance to remain fit and healthy.

Women’s Health

Whether you feel under the weather, you just don’t feel right, or you want some peace of mind.

Work Cover

When it comes to your livelihood an injury can not only be physically debilitating, but it can be mentally challenging too.

Skin Cancer

When it comes to skin cancer, early detection is best. Even if you consider yourself sun-safe, you should still come in for a regular skin check.

Who We Are

Momentum Health Australia

As a family owned medical practice, we understand how important family and community is.

Genuine Care
Family Medical Centres
FRACGP Doctors
Competitive Fee Schedule

Call Us On 07 4948 0041

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