Psychology Services in Airlie Beach

Mental Health is a vital part of your health and well-being. Sometimes things can feel hard and be an effort, which is normal. It is important to train your brain like you would train your muscles in the gym. A psychologist can give you the tools and knowledge to get through grey days and bring out the sun.

Psychology appointments are now available at Cannonvale Medical Centre through our Virtual Integrated Practice (fancy name for Telehealth) Only difference with our service is you’re still required to present to the clinic the same as you would for an in-person session. Allowing you to switch off from the hustle and bustle and focus on you. Give our friendly team a call to see how you can organise an appointment – (07) 4948 0041

Clinical Psychologist

Our Clinical Psychologists conduct 50min sessions with patients through our Virtual Integrated Practice (Telehealth.)
If you have a Mental Health Care Plan from your GP, Medicare will rebate you $141.85 for up to 10 sessions per year.

General Psychologist

Our General Registered Psychologists conduct 50min sessions with patients through our Virtual Integrated Practice (Telehealth.)
If you have a Mental Health Care Plan from your GP, Medicare will rebate you $96.65 for up to 10 sessions per year.

General Psychology Consult (55 mins)$160.00 (rebate $96.65)
General Psychology Consult (55 mins) Discounted Concession Price$120.00 (rebate $96.65)
Clinical Psychology Consult (55mins)$280.00 (rebate $141.85)

Our General Psychologist

Our Clinical Psychologist

Emergency Contacts

For emergency contact dial 000 | Whitsunday Police Station 07 4948 8888

Proserpine Hospital 07 4813 9540 | Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467 | Lifeline 131 114 | Mental Health Access Line 1300 MH CALL

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